Tfoolty | My Childhood

Acrylic Paint (2018)

This piece is a representation of aspects that make up what it is like growing up in Qatari culture. I created the piece in cubism and vibrant hues as it adds a whimsical element that reflects the main idea of innocence. The entire piece is divided into two sections by a landscape of sand dunes and the sea colliding in the middle. The bottom half of the piece represents the old and new of Qatar coming together. The building was the first building built in Qatar as it signifies Qatar's progression to urbanization. Smaller objects such as the skyscraper connected to a palm tree leaves is an evident part of Qatar’s environment. Certain items can be seen to represent the influence of western society and digital age on my upbringing. The date "December 18" is the national day of Qatar, a day in a lot of my childhood I spent celebrating with my family and friends. The top half of the piece focuses on patterns and objects that are reminiscent and give a sense of nostalgia to any Qatari.


"When you could just be quiet?"


Blue Mask of Marcus Aurelius