Hayat-Ha | Her Life

Screen-Printing & Linoleum Block Ink, Spray Paint (2019)

This piece focuses on women empowerment in the Middle East. The background is comprised of an image of my aunt and is a hand carved linoleum block print. With the word “Her Life” in Arabic spray painted on the right piece and screen printed on the left directly in large lettering across her face numerous times adds emphasis to the importance of the word in correlation to the image. This series was created with the intention to show the power and control Muslim women has on her life, specifically those who wear a headscarf. “Her life” written in Arabic is especially important, as women who are forced to wear the headscarf is a common issue in Arab society. Whether or not a Muslim woman chooses to wear the headscarf is, I believe, her decision. A vibrant neon color palette was chosen for the background and print to add a strong pop of color that captures the attention of the viewer.


The Void